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2019In August 13.

Notice of road closures Wakayama Prefecture Michino Station "Kishu Flight Chotan Memorial Park"

Wakayama Prefecture Tanabe City Road Station From Kishu Binchotan Charcoal Memorial Park Road Closure Notice Due to the collapse of the mountain that occurred on the 28th of last month, the area near Kizenkyo of Prefectural Road 29 heading from the city to this roadside station is closed, so we will inform you. There is no prospect of recovery, and we are guiding customers on a detour. We introduce the detour from the nearest station on Google Maps on SNS of our park. https://www.facebook.com/pg/binchotanpark/posts/?ref=page_internal There is also a handwritten map, so please check it. The above is a detour for passenger cars, so we will guide you to the road of large buses if you contact us directly at this station. Thank you. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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