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* News from the station(Opening hours and closing days)InfoHere▸▸▸


"Road Station" Sister's Hometown "150 Years of Modern Surveying" Panel Exhibition

Shiga Prefecture Road Station [Sister Village] "Road Station" "Modern Survey 150 Years" Panel Exhibition held from September 4 to October 2 at the roadside station "Sister's Village" The Geospatial Institute of Japan - Modern Survey 150-year panel exhibition was held.  Photos and diagrams introduce the history of maps and surveying, and evolving surveying techniques.  A map of the present and the old days around the village of "Michi no Eki" sister is also exhibited.  By all means, please drop in. (National Geospatial Institute Regional Survey Department HP) (Shiga Prefecture Road Station Sister's Village) Language This page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Notice of change to opening hours

道の駅「龍神」からのお知らせです。 9月5日(木) 増税、及び軽減税率が、10月1日よりの導入に伴いまして、 売店レジ等、機器入れ替えのため、下記の通り営業時間の 変更を行いますので、ご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、 宜しくお願い致します。 <9月5日(木)の営業時間>  ◎売店 : 9:00 ~ 13:00  ◎食堂 : 9:00 ~ 13:00   ※ 13:00より、入れ替え作業のため閉館     いたします。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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「近代測量150年」パネル展開催 滋賀県 道の駅「竜王かがみの里」

Shiga Prefecture [Ryuo Gakumi no Sato] "Modern Survey 150 Years" Panel Exhibition held at the roadside station "Ryuo Kaga no Sato" From September 4 to October 2, the Geospatial Institute of Japan - Modern Survey 150-year panel exhibition was held at the roadside station "Ryuo Kagan no Sato".  Photos and diagrams introduce the history of maps and surveying, and evolving surveying techniques.  A map of the present and the old days around the roadside station "Ryuo Ganomi-no-sato" is also on display.  By all means, please drop in. (National Geospatial Institute Regional Survey Department HP) Shiga Prefecture Road Station Ryuo Kaganosato HP) LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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